
Showing posts from June, 2016

Dupa blocurile gri

Viata de cartier m-a invatat multe. M-a invatat ca daca esti destul de destept poti sa te descurci in cele mai dificile situatii si sa fentezi sistemul. Cum?  Va voi spune eu cum. Nu intra intr-o gasca, nu face ce fac ei, nu iesi in evidenta. Stealth. Asta e cheia. Traiesc de 26 de ani in cartier si nu am avut niciodata probleme.  Daca esti baiat destept iti merge bine. Doar ca trebuie sa nu superi pe nimeni. Nu se stie cine este capul. Daca te pui rau cu seful unui clan...te pui rau cu tot clanul.  Despre ce vorbesc? Habar nu am. Dar suna interesant iar vocea din capul meu suna ca cea a lui Don LaFontaine cand prezinta trailere de film.  Anyway...Daca pokemoni de 12 ani s-au apucat sa faca canale de YouTube si sa vorbeasca despre chestiile lor plictisitoare de la scoala, eu de ce nu as scrie despre toate tampeniile pe care le gandesc? Pai chiar multe de zis. Daca tot ne aflam in perioada examenelor sa va zic cateva cuvinte des...

I'm back

Well...not that anyone cares very much but I wanted to let you people know that I have returned more sarcastic and fun than ever before. I am ready now to make the immpossible possible. Why? Because I am the one and only Cory Kay, PR specialist, life coach, actor, singer and most of all....WRITER.  I write. And not just any bullshit stuff but things I believe in. So stay tunned. I am going to answer questions that can save your souls, share things that will make you feel happier and make you laugh.  Not convinced yet? This new product is free. It is my freakin' blog.  Every time I write stuff like this I imagine an employer actually asking me at some point in my career to share something I write with them. Sure...this will get me places.  But the world needs to understand that we need more of the raw material, we need someone who is not afraid to write exactly what comes into his/her head. The world needs someone crazy like me. And that...