I love...

This is about what the title of the post says, the things that I love. Why do you all need to know that? You don't, but I am sharing it anyway just because I can and because I want to. ^_^  After all, this is my personal blog and because of that I will share my likes and dislikes, my thoughts, my creations, my rants, my opinions, my whatever I feel like sharing. You get the point. So here it is...a list of the people and things I love.

I hope this didn't shock anyone but I must say that I love me. Not in a narcissistic, egocentric, better-than-you, I-am-the-center-of the-universe way. None of that. But you have to love yourself in order to be happy in life. If you can't love yourself how do you expect others to do it? I am happy with who I am and I am also aware of my flaws. I know that I am far from perfect but all my imperfections make me one of a kind. The way I think, the way I do things, my likes and dislikes, my stories, my strengths and weaknesses, my achievements and failures, all of those make me be ME. And I like that. I love being myself. I am not saying that I don't work on improving, I do. 

I don't know if you can see those tiny pictures in this collage but let me take them one by one just to make things clear.

  • I love my boyfriend- Yes, of course I do. He is my soul mate and the one I waited for so much time. We met just when I was beginning to make peace with the thought that I was going to be a single cat lady by the time I turned 40. I imagined myself with 20 cats, all alone and forgotten. And then he appeared in my life and made it feel complete. 

  • I love cats. Not the musical on Broadway but real cats that are fluffy and go "Meow". I have two cats right now. ( wanted to make sure in case my boyfriend left me - joking...) I used to have 4 but had to give 2 of them up for adoption. The first cat I got was Ville, he had a very strong personality. The second cat was Linda, a cat-girl or girl-cat :) She got into a bad romance with Ville and they had a son, Eric. I gave Ville and Eric up for adoption when Linda had her second son, Nicholas. And now I have her and Nicky. And I love them and all the cats in the world . =^_^=

  • I love Movies in general, Horror movies and Comedies in particular but of course I love Fantasy and Psychological movies. I can't say why, I just do. I guess it's because they make you feel some intense feelings like amusement, fear, joy. And if this makes any sense, I love to feel feelings :). So I love movies. But good ones, the kinds that I like to watch over and over again. I will be talking about all of them on this blog. Just wait and see. 

  • I love writing. Ever since I can remember, ever since I was a little kid, ever since I lived in another life, I loved writing because that makes me feel like I am being true to myself and that I am doing what I was meant to do. I can spend hours and hours writing and enjoying every second of it. I love the way the pen touches the paper and the way words are put on the page and they transmit a message, the way I type the words on the keyboard and the sound it makes and how a blank page becomes full of meaningful ( or not) stories. Brother, I can't get enough of this writing thing. Doesn't matter where I write, I need to write. If it's a blog post, if I write in my diary, if it's a text message, a Facebook or Twitter post or just notes on a piece of paper, I need writing like others need drugs. It is who I am. Should I call myself a writer? Probably not, but just someone who is very passionate about writing.

  • I love Music. Music inspires me, it heals me, it makes me feel a ton of different feelings. I can safely say that music is a good friend of mine. Did I ever tell you that I wanted to start a band? Yep, I did. It was fun for about half a year but not all the members of the band were committed so I.L. did not see the spotlights. :) 

  • I love anime. The first anime I ever saw was Sailor Moon when I was 9 or so... and then much later when I got internet connection I started watching anime online. My favorites are Bleach ( but you probably know that already), Naruto, Death Note, D.Gray-man. I also love reading manga but the only one I ever finished because I was so fascinated was Angel Sanctuary.

I love to keep these blog posts short so I will not be talking about all the things that I love. I will just mention them. Here it goes. Bare in mind that this list is longer than a list for Santa:

Sweets, chocolate, ice-cream, white roses, the night, winter, New Years Eve, my birthday, Saturdays, Psychology, Spiritual related things, Philosophy, the English language, the USA, to drink water, I love red martini, pina coladas, black bear, pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, large and colorful mugs, the color purple, posters, beautiful pictures, men with long hair, the smell of fresh washed laundry, to sleep and dream a lot, watching interesting series, talking to my friends, texting, black clothes, leather jackets, comfortable pj's, fluffy animals, laughing, watching parodies, meeting new people, changes, dancing, poetry, intelligent conversations, interesting persons, surprises, perfume, black eyeliner, and lots and lots of other things. :) 

So what do you guys have to say? Talk about the things YOU love or like. 


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