If she doesn't give a rat's ass why do you cry like an idiot?

I fell in love with this title. I just like the ring it has to it, probably because it's true and wise. Of course, it's my own title. What did you expect? I am not quoting contemporary authors for free. I am a PR specialist not a charity worker. So if you want me to mention you in my posts make sure to stack up on the dollars and send them my way.
And now...for the subject of today's post. 

Men, why have you become these PMSing sissies? Why do you cry over some bitch that broke your heart and left you for dead just to go and be with some dumb-ass that is going to totally ignore her and make her life a living hell? ( or maybe just ignore her and use her like a sex-toy).

I don't understand you, men. Why are you so sensitive and so foolish? You loved her, I understand. She was the woman of your dreams. ( damn right in your dreams because in reality you were too blind to see the truth and you just saw the projection of your own mind on that poor dumb girl). 

Now people are going to say that I am mean, that I am a misogynistic pig. So sue me. 

Why do men think they are good at reading others? ( women, mostly) They are not. They get deceived, they offer the bitch everything: their time, their money, their hopes and dreams, their soul. And then what? The bitch decides that she doesn't like a man willing to do everything for her but a bad-boy that will treat her like an old sock. Women...you can't live with them and...and that's about it.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like some girls. Not in a weird way. I don't play in that league. I liked men ( well...boys) since I was 3 years old. I got my stuff figured out. I like some girls that don't act like girls but as human beings. I don't have a problem with anyone as long as they know how to be real and to be a good person.

So boys...be careful who you choose. It's better to be alone than with someone who does not value you one bit. 

Why do I reach out to men and not to women? Believe it or not, men are more sensitive than women and put a lot more soul into a relationship ( not all men, but the good ones). And besides, there are not that many single women out there but an alarming number of single men. Is it because they have no "game"? Maybe...but I believe their problem is that they are too nice and that gets you in friend-zone and other non-sense like that. 

Damn, I don't like these modern times. 


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