
Showing posts from May, 2015

Să vorbim frumos

Vorba dulce mult aduce. Aşa spune un proverb. Cine sunt eu să mă contrazic cu proverbul?  Toţi cei care sunt familiarizaţi cu stilul meu de a scrie cunosc faptul că folosesc foarte multe mefatofe, proverbe, citate.  Hei, chiar am fost atenţionată că postările mele nu sunt altceva decât o înşiruire de citate clişeice. Ce critici răutăcioşi!  Dar fiecare are rolul său aşa că nu mă voi lua la trântă cu cei care mă critică. E bine că au ce critica, înseamnă că am fost productivă. Astăzi vom aborda un subiect care mie îmi place foarte mult. Comunicarea eficientă. Pentru cei care au impresia că am trăit in grotă sau că am fost instruită în cartier îmi pare rău să vă dezamăgesc însă am o diplomă care atestă faptul că sunt specialist în comunicare. Ok, au şi alte mii de studenţi care au terminat CRP însă nu despre asta vorbim... Câteodată mă surprind vorbind atât de elevat şi de frumos încât nu mă recunosc. Îmi place să fiu sarcastică de cele mai multe ori şi s...

That song review by Cory Kay: Korn-Thoughtless

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Especially when that someone is me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen reading my blog. It's that time of the year again when yours truly starts bitching about the misfortunes she had when she was a kid. And what better way to express all these emotions than through analyzing some depressing music. Now I am not saying that Korn is all that depressive. It is one of my favorite bands and I like them but they are not talking about unicorns and rainbows.  I chose to review this song because I can relate to the lyrics.  As a kid I experienced some bullying because I was too sensitive and the other kids were assholes. But let's cut to the chase already.  Here is my review of Thoughtless by Korn. Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies Pushing all the mercy down, down, down I wanna see you try to take a swing at me Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground This first paragraph is about imagining how y...

50 shades of Kay

This is me answering 50 questions. Enjoy. 1.     What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called? I love to be called Cory Kay. Cory because my name is Corina but Cory sounds more friendly and cool and Kay because that is the family name of the main character in the novel I am writing. And yes, that character is my alter ego. 2.     What books on your shelf are begging to be read? I need to buy more books. I don’t have too many books on my shelf but rather in my computer in pdf format. 3.     How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like? When I talk on the phone I doodle all the time. The way they look depends on the person I’m talking too and what are they may be doodles of despair as some people don’t know when to end the conversation. 4.     What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive? I get ...

That song review by Cory Kay- Usher- Yeah

I am starting this new series of song reviews with one of my all time favorite songs ( for dancing on it). I am going to explain the lyrics. ( So deep) [not.] [Usher:]   Peace up! A Town Down!  Usher salutes the A town :)) he says yeah that is a good start, no violence there, homies!  [Lil' Jon:]   Yeah, (Yeah!) OK! Lil' Jon agrees and wants to start this party already...which is actually a pick-up game. Same old story in any club. Girl meets boy. Girl drags boy in a corner and rapes him. Or not... But people actually do that sometimes.  (Usher! Usher! Usher! Usher!) [Lil' Jon:]   Lil' Jon! They introduce themselves to the cheering public. Yeah!  [Usher:] Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Yeah, Yeah! Yeaah! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Yeah, Yeah! Yeaah! See? Told you so. Yes is a powerful word. It is positive and way better than no. They use the law of attraction. [Usher (Verse 1):] Up in the club with my homies, tryna get a lil' V-I, but keep it...